Tuesday 9 August 2011

Mgr Conrad Meyer and Mgr Richard Rutt RIP

Today was the requiem Mass for Canon Richard Rutt (right) at St Mary's Falmouth.
He had died just 4 days after Canon Conrad Meyer, (left) whose funeral took place last Thursday at Holy Trinity Newquay.
Both were Anglican bishops - Fr Rutt had been suffragan in St Germans (later of Leicester) and Fr Meyer assistant in Truro. They were both received into the Catholic Church after the vote for women priests - and then ordained as priests on 8th June 1995. Both were gracious and humble gentlemen who brought their own inspiring witness of faith to their respective Catholic parishes.

It was fascinating to learn a little of Fr Rutt's life. He had been stationed at Bletchley Park during the war to help with code-breaking; he could speak 14 languages (and was known to compose limericks in Latin and Greek). He spent 20 years in Korea as an Anglican missionary; he learnt to speak fluent Korean.
He was also famous for his books on knitting: he once knitted himself a mitre!
His beloved wife Joan pre-deceased him by a few years.

May they both rest in peace.
(Please pray also for Fr Conrad's wife Mary).
Fr Rutt kindly donated these copes to our parish some years ago. They are made from fine Korean silk.

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