Monday 13 February 2012

Bishop's Visitation

Last weekend, Bishop Christopher made his three-yearly pastoral visit to the parish, preaching at all three masses and meeting parishioners.
 He also kindly brought the Bene Merenti medal for Mary Lloyd.

Mary moved into the parish 53 years ago from Lancaster to run a boys' home with her husband George (RIP 1993). She has been extraordinarily efficient and generous in her work for the parish, helping run the SVP and CWL, organising hall bookings, parish fetes, the repository, church cleaners, flower arrangers, readers and extraordinary ministers. She has run a club for the housebound; monthly whist drives; sings in the choir; organises the parish lottery; is a member of the social committee and visits the housebound. And she still plays table tennis every week...

She has also been the (unpaid) housekeeper to at least 6 parish priests here. 

1 comment:

  1. I remember Mr and Mrs Lloyd from their days at Endsleigh House. They were friends with my parents Michael and norah Kelleher. Great to see her looking so well. last met her at the Schools 150th party a couple of years ago. Brian Kelleher now living in swansea
