Wednesday 4 December 2013

St Michael's School trip to Rome 28th - 31st October

Our expedition comprised 16 students, 2 teachers and one priest. We left for Bristol airport when the superstorm was threatened but with people's prayers we only encountered clear skies and roads.
We stayed near St Peter's, which was excellent in some ways, but meant quite a bit of walking all the way to the Circus Maximus and Colosseum - not to mention the Pantheon and Trevi fountains. Unlike the adult pilgrimage in September, no-one got lost the whole time!


This is where the Holy Father leads the Stations of the Cross each Good Friday (although we now know that probably no Christians were martyred actually in the Colosseum).
 Although we had to get up early for the papal audience and had to wait for a couple of hours, this is how close we got!

On our last day, the inspirational Sr Emanuela (from Wigan) of the new religious order of the missionaries of divine revelation gave us a free guided tour of the vatican museums, showing us how certain artists tried to teach great truths of our faith.

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