Friday 6 July 2012

Jumping the final hurdle

The Government has signed the funding agreement; the U.K. now has the first Catholic Free School opening in Camborne in September. (The team has been working so hard that the news possibly left them a little fazed, but in time it will all sink in!) Thanks once again to everyone who had shown their support and prayed constantly. The new school website is here.

Friday 2 March 2012

Good news (in our local papers this week)

"The historic County Grammar School in Camborne will become a school again in September 2012. St Michael's Catholic Secondary School is delighted that Cornwall Council has agreed to the sale of the site because it is the ideal location for Cornwall's first 'free' school and faith secondary school.  
The school will serve much of Cornwall as it is particularly well placed next to the railway station and close to bus transport. Close links with St John's Roman Catholic primary school and the Catholic parish church situated opposite will be cultivated but St Michael's will not be exclusively for Catholic pupils.
Eventually there will be 300 pupils [11-16] in the school in classes of 20. A new building will accommodate specialist teaching areas. The principal-designate is Neil Anderson B.Eng.Hons., head teacher of St Michael's, currently in Chicago to present to American schools and teachers the innovative AstraZenaca Young Scientist Explorative Quest project  which he has trialled successfully in St Michael's and local primary schools this year. That project is another 'first' for Cornwall". 
Enquiries about enrolment in 2012 to St Michael's 01872 242 123
More information can be found on our new school blog 

Sunday 26 February 2012

The scale of the universe

Have a look at this : awesome is the only word. Use the bar at the bottom of the picture once the programme is loaded to move back and forward. If you click on the individual objects, there is more information.

When I look at thy heavens, the work of thy fingers,
the moon and the stars which thou hast established;
What is man that thou art mindful of him,
and the son of man that thou dost care for him? (Psalm 8:3-4)

Friday 24 February 2012

Stand up for marriage

A new campaign has been launched: the Coalition for Marriage. The aim is to stop the Government redefining marriage to include same-sex relationships.

A nationwide petition can be signed here : paper copies will be available after Mass.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Ash Wednesday

Today Pope Benedict spoke on the meaning of the ashes that we have placed on our foreheads (in some places they are sprinkled on the top of the head). They are a symbol not only of the curse of sin and therefore our own death, but also of the resurrection which comes afterwards. So even on the first day of Lent we are looking forward to Easter.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

What makes us truly Christian?

Famous atheist Richard Dawkins was made to look slightly silly by Vicar Giles Fraser when he could not correctly name Charles Darwins' book. (Dawkins had said many people in the 2001 Census could not have been real Christians since they could not correctly name the first book of the New Testament).

Even given the fact that modern biblical scholars greatly dispute which is actually the first book of the New Testament  (Matthew or Mark), ours is ultimately not a Religion of the Book, as Pope Benedict stresses in Verbum Domini,  but a Religion of the Word, who is a living person - Jesus Christ.

Monday 13 February 2012

Bishop's Visitation

Last weekend, Bishop Christopher made his three-yearly pastoral visit to the parish, preaching at all three masses and meeting parishioners.
 He also kindly brought the Bene Merenti medal for Mary Lloyd.

Mary moved into the parish 53 years ago from Lancaster to run a boys' home with her husband George (RIP 1993). She has been extraordinarily efficient and generous in her work for the parish, helping run the SVP and CWL, organising hall bookings, parish fetes, the repository, church cleaners, flower arrangers, readers and extraordinary ministers. She has run a club for the housebound; monthly whist drives; sings in the choir; organises the parish lottery; is a member of the social committee and visits the housebound. And she still plays table tennis every week...

She has also been the (unpaid) housekeeper to at least 6 parish priests here. 

Monday 30 January 2012

Altar Servers and Laser Guns

On Saturday 18 from the youth group and altar servers once again visited Bombadingas (run by a parishioner and her husband) to blast each other with laser guns for a couple of hours. It is great fun. It is also important for adults to be present with laser guns too - only for reasons of supervision of course...

Monday 9 January 2012

Early Cornish Spring

This camellia between the presbytery and the school - planted by George Lloyd over thirty years ago - is a good month ahead this year.  

Sunday 8 January 2012

Hannah Haynes rest in peace

It seems there were almost as many people outside as inside the packed church in Redruth yesterday. Hannah had such a part at the heart of our parish (and for so many years at our school). She died two days after Christmas aged 24. 
Her rare condition left her eventually unable to move apart from her eyes. But that did not stop her personality shining through. Her parents Mary and Geoff showed her total love and devotion 24/7 even amidst their own health difficulties. They have set up a fund for all donations - towards an item of specialist equipment as chosen by Hannah's paediatrician.