Friday 20 June 2014

The Faith Movement

Here's why your parish priest travels great long distances every summer and winter. You might be able to spot one or two of our young parishioners.

The Faith Movement's mission is to show how true faith completes reason - how our religion is actually vindicated through science.  It is surely a great sign of hope for Catholicism in the U.K. - and the world!  

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Ordination of our new bishop

The beautiful ceremony to consecrate Monsignor Mark O'Toole as the 9th bishop of Plymouth diocese began at 2pm and lasted 3 hours. There must have been around 25 bishops present and around 100 priests (many from Westminster Diocese).

Here we see the bishop-elect prostrating himself during the litany of saints:

Bishop Christopher (followed by the other bishops) lays his hands upon him.
During the prayer of consecration, the book of the Gospels is opened above his head.
Here he is with his now-predecessor Bishop Budd
The Cardinal-elect looks on.

May God bless our new bishop and may Our Lady stay close to him.

There are many more fine photos here
You can watch the recording of the service: