Saturday 12 October 2013

A historic day of grace

Sunday 27th April 2014 will be the first time two popes have been canonised together - in the presence of two living popes.
It will especially focus the world's attention on the feast-day of Divine Mercy.
In 1937, St Faustina recorded Our Lord's prophecy that a spark would come from Poland to prepare the world for the last times.
The 'Polish Spark' will be doing precisely that in a marvellous way from his place in heaven next April with the extraordinary combined witness of three other popes.

Here are the last printed words of Bl John Paul II, prepared for the crowds gathered to celebrate the Divine Mercy feast in 2005 as he breathed his last breath:
"To humanity, which at times seems to be lost and dominated by the power of evil, egoism and fear, the risen Lord offers as a gift his love that forgives, reconciles and reopens the spirit to hope. It is love that converts hearts and gives peace. How much need the world has to understand and accept Divine Mercy!”

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