Tuesday 15 October 2013

Parish Pilgrimage to Rome 18th - 25th September

Fr Chris plus eleven pilgrims from our parish went, with Fr Dylan James and eleven pilgrims from Shaftesbury parish in the far east of the diocese. We stayed in the Casa Fatima on the Gianicolo Hill near St Peter's. The weather was very warm and sunny thank God.

Outside the basilica of St John Lateran - the cathedral of Rome
Sampling gelato was taken seriously

Fr Dylan points out the St Angelo bridge
Waiting to see pope Francis
In the entrance to St Peter's basilica
Outside the pantheon
The Trevi fountains are always a little crowded...
This the church of 'Quo Vadis' - where St Peter met Jesus and turned back to Rome
And here we are outside the lovely Basilica of St Paul's-outside-the-walls where St Paul is buried.

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