Saturday 5 October 2013

A young parishioner's expedition to Malawi

Jade Hanson, with her younger brother and sisters, has served faithfully every Sunday at Mass in Redruth since she was little. Recently she has been away at University in Plymouth. This summer she funded herself to undertake volunteering work in one of the world's poorest countries. You can read her report in our parish newsletter.

Here is Jade with the usual local means of transport - the njinga.

With help from parishioners, she was able to buy 8 brand new models of these taxi-bicycles for families of orphans so that they will have self-supporting businesses. Documents were signed with the chiefs of the local villages to ensure the njingas are used for their proper purpose, and not sold or left unused.

This boy (an orphan) has just been given some new shoes.

This is the new orphanage. Jade helped paint some of the new school buildings.

Here are the youngest schoolchildren (3 - 5 year-olds) having their lunch.
The children might not have much, but they do have big smiles.

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