Monday 21 October 2013

'Praying always and never losing heart'

Following Jesus' words in the gospel, we had the example in the homily of the extraordinary Catholic mother Eliza Rolls (1810-1853) and her intense life of prayer:
"For nearly twenty years it was her daily practice to spend an hour from five to six in the afternoon in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament asking this favour that God would call every one of her children to serve Him in the Choir or in the Sanctuary".
She died tragically after the birth of her youngest son John. But of her children, her five daughters all became nuns; of her eight sons, six became priests and of those four became bishops. One was Cardinal Herbert Vaughan who founded the Catholic Truth Society, set up the Mill Hill Missionaries and laid the foundation for Westminster Cathedral.
You can read a little more about her here

The chapel where she prayed.

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